Monday, April 25, 2016


Once an inhabitant of the red light district, this lovely lady now yearns for the love of one man’s wood-en bedside table. She loves to be turned on and has a fire that flickers inside of her just waiting to be put out each night. Our statement lamp is an interesting piece of art with a specialized bulb that flicker like a flame.

Game of Thrones Chalice

Never trust a Targaryen woman. Could be poison, could be 
the best wine you've ever had. Sacrificial Chalice created with fantasy and reality clashing. Our take on a fancy fantasy Chalice based on the ever so popular series "Game Of Thrones". This Chalice started out as wine glass and we added it to the center of a statuette of 3 Targaryen winged women wrapped with a chain. We then placed it atop a reflective Chalice stand to give it a more impressive stature.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Check out this intricate Steampunk Art that our talented Jonte came up with. Our Camelot set includes four characters salvaged from circuit boards,  copper wire, bike chains, and a multitude of other miscellaneous parts. This set is great for someone who is a fan of fiction and has a good imagination. Stay tuned, we have more unique sculptures on the way! If your interested in purchasing any items please contact us via email, phone or check out our eBay site, all info is listed in our "About" section.